Queen's Quest V: Symphony of Death Collector's Edition
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Symphony of Death Collector's Edition jest piątą odsłoną Queen's Quest, ukryte obiekty od Brave Giant. Nadworny Alchemik otrzymał od króla Roberta z królestwa Netherfall zadanie odnalezienia i ocalenia porwanych dzieci. Możliwe, że za tymi uprowadzeniami stoi zła królowa, która niedawno zbiegła z wiezienia. Pomóż mu ustalić kto i dlaczego porywa dzieci.

Wymagania gry: zainstalowany system operacyjny Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, procesor o częstotliwości taktowania 2000 MHz, pamięć RAM 1024 MB, DirectX w wersji 9.0 oraz dysk twardy mogący pomieścić 2239 MB danych.


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Brave Giant is back with a magical chapter in the Queen’s Quest series!

Welcome to a fresh new world of fanciful fairy tales! Once again take on the role of the talented Shapeshifting Alchemist, the hero of Netherfall, as she is called to the capital to help good King Robert. The quest? To investigate a series of kidnappings where the victims are all children! In this latest and greatest installment to the Queen's Quest series, you will experience an adventure which changes your entire perspective on the kingdom of Netherfall. With odd beasts roaming the streets and an evil queen freshly escaped from prison, the mystery seems to only deepen... and darken. Bring forth all your faculties of potion crafting and morph into a menagerie of animals to solve seemingly impossible puzzles and hidden object scenes. What perils and discoveries await you in Queen's Quest 5: The Symphony of Death?


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